Employee Assessments

Uses of Employee Assessment:

Employee assessments are used for a variety of purposes such as personnel screening, employee development, team building and leadership development.

Benefits of Employee Assessments

Types of Reports

Personnel Screening:

Consider the following:

“If a person is not performing as expected, it is probably because they are miscast for the job.”

-W. Edwards Deming

“For every dollar an employer invests in personnel screening, the savings range from $5 to $16 in reduced absenteeism, improved productivity, lower turnover, safer working environments…”

-Small Business Administration

The benefits of personnel screening are undisputed. If you aren’t using employee assessments, you might be missing a valuable tool.

Employee Development:

Although we strive to match the right person for the right job, the fit is generally not 100%. With employee development, we help the individual develop work habits, interpersonal skills and other behaviors to better perform within the organization.

Due to change in business strategy, mission or external issues, formerly successful employees have difficulty performing under the changed organizational expectations. Hezel CultureSmart can help individuals understand how they deal with change and how the individual’s strengths and growth areas can help or hinder their success in the new environment.

Team Building:

A key ingredient on the road to creating a championship team is finding how the personalities of the members of the team interact with each other. Each person brings to the team their own set of unique personality traits, skills and experiences. The trick is finding out what they are, then making sure that those differences can be made to work together.

Leadership Development:

A key to organizational excellence is effective leadership. Using personality and management style assessments, Hezel CultureSmart helps organizations take their managers where they are and add to their capability as a leader. Our goal is to develop leaders who have a balanced approach between organizational purpose of production requirements and the needs of people.